
Answer for 6.27.2008's UMQotD!

Three votes again!?!?! What's with that... If you kids can't get in to vote today will you let me know in the comments? and let me know what you are seeing? because every time I check it works for me! Well the answer to Friday's Quote was Beetle Juice(IMDb)(IHM)(Rotten). A pretty good flick that shows a haunting from the ghosts side of the story... A crash and a splash of a bridge, You get to meet the Ghost with the MOST and there is an amazing model of the town... This movie was directed by Tim Burton(IMDb) and stars: Alec Baldwin(IMDb), Maurice Page(IMDb), Hugo Stanger(IMDb), Michael Keaton(IMDb) and Jeffrey Jones(IMDb). Oh and the Eyecandy: Geena Davis(IMDb), Annie McEnroe(IMDb), Catherine O'Hara(IMDb), Winona Ryder(IMDb) and Patrice Martinez(IMDb).

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