
Answer for 6.30.2008's UMQotD!

Well it looks like at least 4 of you kids got to vote yesterday... I don't know why this blogger site makes it so difficult to report a problem... They have a discussion forum for us to go in and talk about our issues but unless something else indirectly fails I have no way of reporting the voting issue... But there were a bunch of people complaining about it so hopefully it gets some attention soon. If not you can always call in your vote! You kids were right though... Yesterday's tagline was for Death To Smoochie(IMDb)(IHM)(Rotten)... An awesome flick about the seedy underbelly of child entertainment. The downfall of a rainbow, a penis looking rocket ship and and the Irish mob... Directed by Danny DeVito(IMDb) and starring: Robin Williams(IMDb), Edward Norton(IMDb), Danny Devito(IMDb), Jon Stewart(IMDb), Danny Woodburn(IMDb), Harvey Fierstein(IMDb) and Vincent Schiavelli(IMDb). Oh and Catherine Keener(IMDb) as your eye candy.

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