5...4...3...2...1... BLASTOFF! Is that what you kids were going for??? Because its not how the results look its if they are actually right(DAMN its hard to type without the pointer finger on your left hand!). So as you kids probably already know you were wrong! Yesterday's quote was actually from Die Hard(IMDb)(IHM)(Rotten). A cop from the Big City comes out to LaLa Land (LA) to try and save his marriage and to see his kids for the holiday when his soon to be ex's office is hijacked by terrorizes. Shit gets blown up, Someone has small feet and a cop that likes doughnuts. Directed by John McTiernan(IMDb) and starring Bruce Willis(IMDb), Reginald VelJohnson(IMDb), Paul Gleason(IMDb) and Alan Rickman(IMDb). And your one pace of eyecandy Bonnie Bedelia(IMDb).
I bet you wonder how this cool little button works?!?! Click on it and it will flip over... Then put in your phone number (the one you want to make the call from) and then click call. Your phone will ring, and then ring back to my V/M cool eh!?
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