Look at you little illegal immigrant haters in here... 8 Votes for American History X(IMDb)(IHM)(Rotten). A family torn apart by the death of their father, The oldest son turns to hate and becomes a skinhead, After killing a man that broke into his truck he goes to prison and sees that the skinheads are not all they claim to be. When he gets out his goal is to get out and take his brother with him. Directed by Tony Kaye(IMDb) and starring: Edward Norton(IMDb), Edward Furlong(IMDb), Avery Brooks(IMDb), Ethan Suplee(IMDb), Stacy Keach(IMDb) and Elliott Gould(IMDb). And your eyecandy Beverly D'Angelo(IMDb), Jennifer Lien(IMDb) and Fairuza Balk(IMDb).
I bet you wonder how this cool little button works?!?! Click on it and it will flip over... Then put in your phone number (the one you want to make the call from) and then click call. Your phone will ring, and then ring back to my V/M cool eh!?
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